(Published in Wingless Dreamers “Vanish in Poetry” anthology)
Not my stall
Nicer wood
No kick marks like in mine
Shavings are clean
As if no one stays long enough to leave their calling cards
There’s water
No hay
Ah, a vet visit
To what do we owe the pleasure?
Pat on my neck
Yeah, yeah, hello to you too
Now I’m in cross-ties
Why’d she do that
I’m not difficult
She says it won’t hurt
Feel the prick of a needle
Where was I
So drowsy
What was in that needle
I’d love to lie down
She’s asking my owner for help
Keeping me from hanging my head too low
But I can’t help it
Go with the flowwwwwwww
The vet is putting a contraption around my mouth
Hey, get out of there
cold metal against my tongue
soapy taste
What the heck…
Not the teeth not the teeth not the teeth
I have very little left
What did I hear?
No more hay?
Forget the grass?
Like hell I will
Oh, I can have more sweet grain
Lots and lots and lots of grain
Well okay
I can live with that
finally done
Wasn’t too bad