(Published in the Paddock Review 2024)
Home is pasture.
Wind caressing grasses
showcase vibrantly verdant hills.
Darting squirrels abounding.
Geese honking
mimic horses neighing.
Pigweed overrunning goldenrod.
Piled manure aging
near prepared compost.
Aging lone oak, steadfast.
Swallows swooping and
starlings murmuring beckon
clouds draped heavily.
Renovated barn is backdrop.
Trough full.
Peaceful ambience.
Ambience peaceful.
Full trough.
Backdrop is barn renovated.
Heavily draped clouds
beckon murmuring starlings
and swooping swallows.
Steadfast oak lone, aging.
Compost prepared near
aging manure piled.
Goldenrod overrunning pigweed.
Neighing horses mimic
honking geese.
Abounding squirrels darting.
Hills verdant vibrantly showcase
grasses caressing wind.
Pasture is home.