Flower Heads Torn

The following is a community-created poem started on my Facebook page regarding the most recent massacre of innocent children at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. The contributors are from all over the country, one from London. We hope you will share it.

We are writers, poets, teachers, mothers, fathers.

The invitation from Linda Drattell’s Facebook post:

The news has been devastating. How do we cope with mass shootings? Our community writing a poem together, where each of us adds a line, might be helpful. It doesn’t solve anything, just helps us cope. Maybe someone in power will eventually read it and be moved by it.

Flower Heads Torn

Flower heads torn, young leaves shorn – Linda Drattell

Blood on the floor, shock at the door – Rachel Zemach

Only thing left is families who mourn – Evelyn Marie Ruhlman

While we cling to hope that things will change – Edgar Palmer

The madness goes on and on out of rage – Lisa Harbour

Lives stolen, hearts broken – Julie Rems Smario

Rage hollered, grief unspoken – Rachel Zemach

Thoughts and prayers looked upon as tokens – John Garvey

Guns win, no change through the commotion – Lisa Harbour

Hearts bleeding, children weeping, life forever changed – Cynthia Moynihan

Mental health now the sole blame – Cynthia Moynihan

Political invasion, lost equation – Cynthia Moynihan

Smoke screen evasion as guns reign – Cynthia Moynihan

Children’s fears in the classroom – Eunhee Soh

Haunt me as guns destroy freedom – Eunhee Soh

So horribly unnecessary – Helen Schreibman-Smith

Police simply emissaries – Linda Drattell

Of bad news – Linda Drattell

What’s America coming to? – Helen Schreibman-Smith

Could be your child, your neighbor’s, your niece – Rachel Zemach

With gun laws let’s end the unbelievable grief – Rachel Zemach

Action, not thoughts and prayers, brings permanent relief – Marilyn Dykstra

Need policy change to end gun violence – Marsha Kopp

Not silence, not silence – Linda Drattell

Hearts are shattered and families mourn – Linda Moore Marple

Laid to rest, so recently born – Linda Drattell

This community poem was created from submissions by: Linda Drattell, Rachel Zemach, Evelyn Marie Ruhlman, Edgar Palmer, Lisa Harbour, Julie Rems Smario, John Garvey, Cynthia Moynihan, Eunhee Soh, Helen Schreibman-Smith, Marilyn Dykstra, Marsha Kopp, and Linda Moore Marple.

Recent Reviews

Impressively original, exceptionally charming, fully entertaining, and with an important message about the importance of the acceptance of difference for children ages 5-8, "Who Wants to be Friends With a Dragon?" is an especially and unreservedly recommended addition to family, elementary school, and community library collections for young readers.

Midwest Book Review

This book is an awesome, welcome addition to my little children’s library. Should be picked up by therapists, teachers, parents and grandparents if they want their children to learn to accept and socialize with other children different from them. Couldn’t ask for a better book to share with my little friends.

Amazon Customer

The story follows a timid dragon that wishes to leave his current world and make new acquaintances. The book can be used to teach children about not being judgmental of others and how a single act of kindness can go a long way toward building great relationships.

Nothing But Picture Books

"There are multiple teachable moments within “Who Wants To Be Friends With A Dragon” for parents and teachers to expand upon. I believe this book will make an exceptional addition to any school, church, daycare, or family library."

Read Reviews Kids

Linda Drattell’s latest poetry collection is a reflection born out of resilience… tenacity, healing, dealing with unexpected trials and contemplating the wonder of everyday life… Her poems honor the precious bonds with loved ones …I like to revisit her words, to savor them in silence or share them…

Julia Hone